6 Anti Bullying Tips!

Learn essential self defence skills and strategies to beat the bully!


Unfortunately bullying is a part of life! Some children are impacted to a point of suicide, Some children never experience anything. No matter what we do BULLYING can be very difficult to stamp out no matter how much education on being kind is given to potential perpetrators. 

One way to prevent or limit the effect of bulling is to educate the victims on how to become ‘bully proof’ this allows a victim stop the bullying before it gets to breaking point. This is what I mean by being bully proof, allowing the victim to acknowledge they are being bullied and know which steps to take to stop it.

The effects of bullying can destroy your child’s confidence, self esteem and mental health and must be taken seriously! 

Some signs your child is being bullied:-

  1. Injuries with no explanation
  2. low self esteem / confidence
  3. Not wanting to go to school
  4. Not wanting to socialise
  5. Sudden loss of friends
  6. Drop off on academic results
  7. Depression / Anxiety 

There will be comments below saying “you can’t bully proof a child!” I 100% agree! I can’t stop someone from bullying your child but i can teach you appropriate ways to take action before the situation gets out of control and the circumstances escalate.

Types of bullying to be aware of in your child this is a short list but includes the main types of bullying people suffer from:-


Pushing, tripping, hitting, kicking, pinching etc.


Name Calling, Rumours, gossiping


Being left out, isolation, ignored 


social media, gaming. Messages & Isolation


crude comments, touching, invading personal space, rumours. 


  1. Teach your child what bullying is, and to tell you if someone is bullying them, If your child tells you they are being bullied, them to tell you all about the situation (without you as the parent getting angry) This way you can find out if it’s a one time incident or something that needs urgent intervention. Getting angry will limit your child from telling you the full facts and sometimes can prevent them from telling you about any future incident that may occur or personal problems need your child needs help with  (It’s hard to do – but keep calm)
  2. Once your child has confided in you keep a DIARY OF THE INCIDENTS. Include – details, dates, offenders, witnesses. location etc.
  3. Report the bullying to your child’s teacher and make the aware of the situation and make sure they see the seriousness of the situation and you want the situation monitored. Some school staff refuse to believe some class favourites can be bully’s when no one is watching. 
  4. Schedule a meeting with the schools headteacher take a copy of your diary of incidents explaining the situation. 
  5. Explain to your child they must stay away from the where the buying happens and stay in a safe place near adults for the time being. 
  6. If the bully approaches tell them in a calm, clear and assertive voice to stop now! 

If bullying is taking place outside of school report to the school if it’s a pupil and your local police (safer neighbourhood team) again make sure the officers dealing with the incident get a copy of your diary. 

Do not expect your Childs friends to help them our act as a back up those days are gone now.

One of the best ways to help your child is to enrol them in a STORM martial arts course to build confidence at STORM we teach our students to deal with real life situations and how to handle difficult situations. (What to do, How to act, Who to tell)

If your child is being bullied get in touch we offer various classes / training.

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